2021-04-18 SSH Wizardry

- screen -S wiki - sudo wiki -p 80 -f --security_type friends --cookieSecret mumble --session_duration 9999 --admin b25bbfb01144272d01dbd4b9c3f5d28 - ctrl-a D

It doesn't work for me, but maybe I was too literal in copy-pasting. Line 2 is quite different from the command run above to start the server. I'm also not sure I know the right way to do "ctrl-a D"

Today we helped Pete Forsyth get a private wiki running on a spare computer at home.

digraph { rankdir=LR Router [shape=box] Laptop -> Router -> MacMini }

This is more or less what we did interactively

We collectively remembered the control incantations to adjust the ssh connection. ~C was the magic.

# fun interactive SSH hackery ~C ssh> -L 3000:localhost:3000

This single ssh command will also setup the tunnel for port 3000

ssh -L 3000:localhost:3000 wikiwiki.mynetgear.com wiki --security_legacy &

One line to rule them all

ssh -n -L 3000:localhost:3000 \ wikiwiki.mynetgear.com wiki --security_legacy

# Ward recommends On Element, Ward suggests the following (as a simple way to launch a persistent server on a personal server):