Install FedWiki

See Set Up FedWiki for related pages. # Install using apt & npm On a Debian or Ubuntu-based system you can use **apt-get** (or on Ubuntu, just **apt**) to install **node** aka **NodeJS**, which is an important prerequisite for wiki.

**npm** is an installation environment (?) which comes along with node (?) and that's how we will install wiki. (There's no man page for npm)

# download the the repository key curl -s | sudo apt-key add - # set up the repository sudo sh -c "echo deb groovy main \ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs npm install --global wiki wiki --security_legacy ctrl-Z bg

# Install in a virtual machine **docker** is a system that will permit running wiki in a virtual machine. This offers many benefits; primarily, it reduces the work of installing and configuring wiki.

Eric Dobbs maintains a docker repository for wiki. He has some relevant notes here: Container dobbs/apparatus