Morning Steps

This page seems like a useful format. More aspirational than "reporting."

# We rise The first thing we do is gather our thoughts and energy. We start with whatever motivates. We try not to start with process, tasks and administration where we can. Our motivation should drive our focus on what is important.

# We meditate Every morning, a 5-10 minute meditation session. Audio guidance can be useful; we try not to engage in critical thinking about the guidance, but to accept what is resonant and direct inquisitive thoughts inward.

# We write We use The Artist's Way as a guide, beginning with 3-5 handwritten Morning Pages, away from the distraction of electronic devices.

# We have breakfast and coffee Maybe we should embrace this step more strongly. Get away from screens while taking care of the body. Maybe listen to the radio or a podcast. Frame a plan for the day, mentally and/or written down.

The steps above resonate pretty strongly. Below, gets beyond existing practice.

# We meet with strangers

We view the Activity of Strangers. We widen our horizons, and concentrate for a moment on the social. We read pages with titles that grab our interest.

A first open part of this reading is to look a the whole federation. Perhaps there are new topics, or authors we can meet.

# We refocus Then we narrow our focus to authors we know and like, and we look for work that can help us with the task of writing and building we have framed for the day.

# We work

We hope that we have enough time left to get down to a focussed work session. This may be more writing, but is often coding, or working with media. We try to avoid meetings, chat and zoom conversations - scheduling those for the evening, or during fixed times in the week.

# We finish We wrap up the mornings session. We try to document it as best we can. We save a bookmark, anticipating our future need to find the work, or send it to someone else. We hope to be brave enough to send it now. We publish to give the work value.

We imagine a workflow, or series of steps that could happen each morning. We use the pragmatics embedded in the design of these steps to inform the creation of software.

We aim this way to build augmented tools that are built on our human processes, and are designed to support these rather than simply replace them.